arrow_left Fuller-Bloom New Kawasaki's Rose Flower arrow_right
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Kawasaki rose flower 55


Try to align two edges (x-axis and negative y-axis).

Kawasaki rose flower 56


The negative y and x-axes are aligned exactly.

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right arrow

Empty my Heart, of Thee

Empty my Heart, of Thee --
Its single Artery --
Begin, and leave Thee out --
Simply Extinction's Date --

Much Billow hath the Sea --
One Baltic -- They --
Subtract Thyself, in play,
And not enough of me
Is left -- to put away --
"Myself" meanth Thee --

Erase the Root -- no Tree --
Thee -- then -- no me --
The Heavens stripped --
Eternity's vast pocket, picked --

Poem by Emily Dickinson

Origami Rose Paper Flower, Fuller-Bloom New Kawasaki Rose

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